Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monday night

On Monday night we had a camp fire and eat dinner and had family home evening by the camp fire. We had lots of fun. The kids loved it so much. They absolutely loved the smores.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday at Nana's

We went to the Peterson's for dinner. The kids dyed some Easter eggs, and had lots of fun. Lydia just had so much fun!!

Lacey thinks it is funny to make funny faces when you are taking pictures, so that is what she is doing.

Easter Sunday

Here are the kids on Easter Sunday, Don't they look so cute!! ON saturday we made this bunny cake. It turned out pretty cute, and tasted great too.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Last night we dyed Easter Eggs, so that the Easter bunny could come last night. We decorataed the eggs after Jason got home from work last night. The Easter bunny came last night as well. Jason has to work on Saturday and Sunday so we did it this morning. The kids were so happy. Lacey got new Dora underwear, Luke got some more train tracks, and Lydia got the movie Enchanted. They are very happy with what they got. They were so cute. They also all got shoes/sandals. They look so cute in them. Here are some pictures.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Weight Loss

I finally had a week worth writing about. I hit the gym three times for about 1 hour and 15 minutes each time. I lost 2.2 pounds! Yeah! I have a few more pounds to go, I'm so happy. My clothes are fitting like they used to, and I feel great! Yeah for me!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lydia's Cooking Lesson

For Christmas my mom gave Lydia some cooking classes, and on Saturday Lydia had her lessons. They first made hog dogs wrapped in biscuits, and then she made some pies. Lydia had so much fun. She enjoyed it so much! She is such a big helper and now she wants to help more. Here are some pictures, we came back after naps and enjoyed lydia's and Grammy's Pie. The
kids loved them.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lacey's Big Fall

After we went to dinner, we went back to get the kids then that is when it happened. I picked up Lacey and was giving her hugs, she said that she was hungry and Nana had made them grilled cheese sandwiches, so I put her on the tall barstool so that she could eat. She was standing up, and then she said that she was thirsty so I went around the bar to get her a drink when I heard this huge loud smack followed by a scream out of Lacey I have never heard before. She was freaking out crying. She landed on her head and had huge bump on her head. She fell about 4 feet onto the hardwood floor. Jason and Kelly gave her a blessing right away, then we took her to the ER. She was falling asleep hard to wake up; you could get her to wake up if you yelled at her right in her face. At the ER she slept they did a CT, everything looked to be ok. Right before we were leaving Lacey throw up all over me and it was lots of fun. We ended up spending a good 3 hours there, fun huh, not really what I wanted to do, but at least We got to watch the Jazz loose. After the ER we went to Nan’s to get the other two kids, then came home. Jason was getting Lacey ready for bed, he took her in the bathroom and she threw up again all over. It was so sick. Jason was so good; he took care of all of it. So nice of him!! I had to keep waking Lacey up to make sure she would wake up and check her pupils. I had to do that every 3 hours. Then at 3:30 she came in my room. Not so fun. Jason couldn't go back to sleep after that. I got Lacey back to sleep, but not Jason he ended up reading his book till time to get up at 5:00 am. So I was very tired and not so much fun. Wednesday my birthday wasn’t fun in the morning. With Jason gone at work, I got all the kids in the bath. Lacey wasn't feeling great. After I got them all dressed, I bought them all done stairs, Lacey was saying that she was going to throw up. So I put her in the Rocking Chair with Lydia with a Blanket and a bowl. I really didn't think that she would. I turn on the cartoon, so I could get in the shower, because I was going to go to Lunch with my mom, Shirlene, Leslie, and Liz. So I went up stairs, getting ready to get into he shower when I hear Lydia yelling mom we need you. I run down stairs. Sure enough Lacey had thrown up mostly in the bowl, but some missed and got the blanket and her. So got her all cleaned up and then got ready and left. I took Luke and Lydia to my dads and I took Lacey with me because she wasn't acting well. We had lots of fun at lunch and Lacey eat a ton, and she keep it all down. By the end of lunch, she was acting like herself again. By the time I got home she was so tired she slept for 3 hours. She woke up happy as can be, back to her self. Yeah....I was so happy. It was about 4 and I had to leave to go to take the kids to Nan's so I could go to work. Then the doorbell rang, and it was Jason. He was able to get off early. He had a piece of cake and a balloon. What a sweet guy. I love you. I was so happy. He made it all perfect! It turned out to be a pretty good day, even though I was tired.

Kristin's Birthday dinner

On Tuesday evening we celebrated my 25th Birthday. Jason took me to the Red Lobster on Tuesday because on Wednesday Jason and I both had to work, so Tuesday worked better for us. It was great not to have the kids there. Even though I love them tons, it was nice to be just Jason and I were we could talk and enjoy each other. Nan was so nice and watched them for us. WE went to an early dinner because Nan had Relief society and we could be back by then if we went early, so that is what we did. Man, the food was so good. We had coconut shrimp and a specialty drink for starters. It was to so good. I could eat it all the time. Then I had garlic gilled Shrimp with broccoli and a baked potato. It was so good. Jason had a three shrimp trio thing, he really enjoyed it. It was so perfect. Oh, you can’t forget the biscuit, they are wonderful.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weight Loss

Well, things in my weight loss life aren't going as good as I would have hoped! I have only lost 7.2 pounds to date, since I started back up again. I think that I have finally pin pointed the problem. When I first lost all my weight after the twins were born, I was nursing and never really exercised. But now, I'm not nursing (that would be weird nursing that at 2 1/2) so I need to exercise to loss weight. I'm not huge into sweating, so that causes a little bit of a problem. I will do it, but it is not my favorite thing in the world. So my new goal is to hit the gym at least 3 times this week, hopefully 4. Hopefully this will help my weight loss journey out. I don't think that I’m going to gain like this next Christmas because it is March and I’m still loosing the weight. So, I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Luke's Pictures

Above: Luke hiding from me.
Below: He is checking to see if I'm still taking pictures.

Above: I asked him to smile and this is what happened!

The other day I took some pictures of Luke, but he was not to happy about it, here they are. I think that they are funny. Luke is getting so big!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Well, Luke didn't do too hot at all, so he is back in diapers. He wants the Candy, so once in a while he will sit on the potty. He has peed on the potty 3 times. After the second time he went on the potty not two minutes later he peed on the couch (thank goodness for the slipcovers) then 5 minutes later he peed tons all over the tile. So by that point I said no more, and put him in a diaper and told him if he wanted to go on the potty I would put him on the potty, but he had to wear a diaper. He carries around his underwear in hope that I will put it back on him. But he needs to wait a little longer.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lacey's Help

We made some cookies this morning and Luke and Lacey were helping me. I had just put the flour in and Lacey turned the mixer on full blast! Flour got everywhere! I told them both like 5 time not to turn it on, I said that is mom job but she still wanted to help, so she turned it on anways. Here is a picture of the mess.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Big Boy LUKE!!!

This morning when I was changing Luke's Diaper, I asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty, and he said Yes. So, I put him on the potty and he peed on the potty. I was so happy, and he was so proud of himself. He wanted Candy and he was smiling from ear to ear. Now, we will have to see if he keeps it up, or if it was a one time thing. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm ready so i hope that he is too. I will keep you posted. Go Luke.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Great Find!

I have heard about these bagels that are only 110 calories with 8 grams of fibers, so today when I was at Wal-Mart I bought them with some weight watchers whipped reduced fat cream cheese. It was so good! I loved it. The bagels are not huge, but I think a good size. I toasted it and then you can have 2 tablespoon of the cream cheese for only 60 calories. So, for the whole bagel and 2 tablespoon of cream cheese it was only 2 points. I think that it was great for two points. What also made it great was that I had a coupon for the cream cheese. Just thought I would let you know about it.