Thursday, November 12, 2009


I'm so excited!! I'm having a coupon party on Tuesday November 24th at 7:00pm and you guys are all invited to come!! It is 60-90 minutes long and it will be at my house. Come learn how to buy for your family for alot less. It is all free you don't have to buy anything. Come have fun and there will be treats as well. Let me know if you can make it!!


Linda said...

okay... It will be great! :)

Shelly Beth said...

freak...wish i could make it. why do you have to do it all the way in UT? lol. have fun. it sounds great!

Bryce and Camilla said...

I learned about this 2 months ago and it is AMAZING! Any of you who haven't seen it, you gotta make it. and are the best sites that do all the work for you.